1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
While reading a text mission, a top student takes notes. He uses his own system in which he draws a line down the center of a piece of notebook paper, and writes notes from the text on one side and those from the teacher's lecture on the other. By doing so he is able to review both aspects of the assignment at once. Just after the bell rings, most students close their books and get ready to rush out. But a top student takes a few minutes to write a short summary of the lesson's principal points.
① 효과적인 노트 정리 ② 사교적인 학교 생활 ③ 자율적인 특별 활동
④ 광범위한 독서 활동 ⑤ 바람직한 전공 선택 |