My best school report was in the first grade from Mrs. Varulo. First, she told my parents about amazing physical energy:“Lisa never tires of chasing and punching her classmates.” Next, she praised my class participation and active, questioning mind: “After every instruction-even one as simple as ‘Please take out your pencils’-Lisa asks
‘Why’” Mrs. Varulo was so impressed with my vocabulary that she commented, “I don't know where Lisa has picked up some of the words she uses, certainly not in my classroom” Somehow she even knew I would become a famous fiction-writer. “More than any other student I have ever had,” she wrote, “Lisa is a born liar.” <97년 수능>
이 글에 나타나는 필자의 어조를 가장 적절히 표현한 것은?
① annoyed and bitter ② ironic and humorous
③ angry and revengeful ④ regretful and solemn
⑤ serious and critical |