[학습자료] 중3-영어-두산장-3과-기출-59문항
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아이티치포유 로그인

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학습자료 > 3학년 > 영어 > 두산장
자료번호 35611
자료분류 중학교 / 3학년 / 영어 / 두산장
제목 중3-영어-두산장-3과-기출-59문항         
중3영어_동아(장)3과_단원_예상문제[총59문제)_35611.hwp(Size:64.5 KB)


[ 대화완성 ]

1. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

A : Would you mind my carrying the boxes?

B : you can carry the boxes.


① Yes, I can

② No, I can,t

③ Yes, I would

④ Of course not.

⑤ Not at all


[ 문장완성 ]

2. 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 차례대로 나열된 것은?

I finished piano.

I saw him on the stage.


① play - dancing

② play - dance

③ playing - dancing

④ playing - to dance

⑤ to play - to dance


[ 문장완성 ]

3. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

It began raining three hours ago.

It is raining now.

= It for three hours.



※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

I really enjoy ⓐ (ski) . Last year I received the second prize in the National Skiing Competition. This year I want to try again. Iⓑ(practice) very hard to win the first prize.


[ 어휘 ]

4. 윗 글 ⓐ(ski)를 문맥에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.




[ 현재완료 진행형 ]

5. 윗 글 ⓑ(practice)를 시제에 유의하여 바르게 쓴 것은?

① am practiced

② was practiced

③ have practiced

④ have been practiced

⑤ have been practicing

[ 비교급 강조 ]

6. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

He is smarter than his brother.


① very ② much

③ a lot④ still

⑤ even

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

But Beethoven and other composers did not just imitate the sounds they heard. They used these sounds in their music to tell us something. Beethoven's music tells us about the quiet and peaceful life in the country, about the loud storms, and about the happy feelings of the people when the storm . People in Beethoven's time and place spoke a different language, and many ways their lives were different ours. ⓑYet as we listen to Beethoven's music, we can understand his feeling about the country and its people. We also have our own feelings ⓒthat his music calls in us. Music can speak to us from many lands and across many years.


[ 문장완성 ]

(2010-4-29 19:14:33)

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