[학습자료] 중3-영어-두산장-1과-기출-47문항
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자료번호 35609
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제목 중3-영어-두산장-1과-기출-47문항         
중3영어_동아(장)1과_단원_예상문제[총47문제)_35609.hwp(Size:93.0 KB)


중3 영어 두산장 1과 단원종합 기출고사-1회



※ 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.


[ 어휘 ]

1. This city is maney places to see. (이 도시는 볼 많은 장소들로 유명하다.)

[ 어휘 ]

2. He works 8 hours a day.

(그는 적어도 하루에 8시간을 일한다.)

[ 어휘 ]

3. English is spoken .

(영어는 전세계에서 사용된다.)

[ 어휘 ]

4. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미가 잘못된 것은?

① His answer was not correct.(옳은)

② I want to visit some palaces in Seoul.(장소들)

③ They exchange letters with each other.(교환하다)

④ Let's divide the class into two groups.(나누다)

⑤ Please leave a message, I'll call you later.(전하는 말)

※ 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오

Waman : Hi, Mike! How are you?

Man : Not so good. I have a terrible cold.

Waman : Really?That's too bad. You be at home in bed . It's really important you to have a lot of rest

Man : I guess you are right.


[ 조동사 ]

5. 윗 글 ⓐ에 문맥에 맞는 말을 고르시오.

① would

② may

③ should

④ have

⑤ can



[ 의미상주어 ]

6. 윗 글 ⓑ에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

From Julio Rodriquez

To Yongho Yi

Subject My Korean friend


Hello from Rio! Guess what! My father bought a Korean car. It's a shiny red car, and we all love it. I also told Maria about the car, who is Maria? She's my Korean friend ⓐwho lives next door. Her Korean name is Sunmi, but here we call her Maria. I visited her yesterday and she taught me how to make bulgogi. It was ⓑ delicious that I ate two dishes full.

Do you know anything about Brazil? Yes, Brazil is famous for soccer. But many foreigners also know about our Rio Marki Gras. We dance samba and eat many kinds of food. Please visit Brazil sometime this year ⓒ


[ 관계대명사 ]

7. 윗 글 ⓐwho 와 쓰임이 같은 것은?

① I saw a girl who was running in the park.

② This is the man who I met yesterday

③ It is the singer who I like most

④ Do you know who She is?

Who do you want to meet?


[ 어휘 ]

8. 윗 글 ⓑ에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

[ 부가의문문 ]




9. 윗 글 ⓒ에 알맞은 부가의문문은?

① shall we?

② can you?

③ do you?

④ don't you?

⑤ won't you?



[ 글의 이해 ]

10. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① Sunmi는 Rio의 한국인 친구다.

② Rio의 아버지가 한국에서 차를 샀다.

③ Maria가 Rio에게 불고기 만드는 법을 가르쳐줬다.

④ Brazil은 축구로 유명하다.

⑤ Rio Mardi Gras는 쌈바춤으로 알려져 있다.

[ 문장 배열 ]

11. 다음을 자연스러운 대화로 배열하시오.

ⓐ How have you been, Yumi?

ⓑ Yes, I am. Let me introduce myself.

ⓒ Not bad, It'snice to see you again Sudong.

ⓓ My name is Boknam.

ⓔ Hi! Are you new here?


[ 어휘 ]

12. 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Teach me swim in the sea.

( 내게 바다에서 수영하는 법을 가르쳐주세요.)


※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

From Irma Kaufman

To Mina Park

Subject I'm happy for you.


Hi, there! Yesterday I saw on the Internet that family members from North Korea and South Korea met with each other after 50 years. It was so ㈎touching that I cried. You see, Germany ⓐdivide into East and West, but we ⓑreunify in 1990. After such a long time ⓒas a divided country, it was not easy for us to ⓓget used to the many changes. It took a lot of patience and understanding. But now, we Germans are one country and we are very happy. I hope Korea will be reunified soon.


[ 어휘 ]

13. 윗 글 (가)와 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 것은?

① exciting ② happy

③ sad ④ feeling

⑤ moving

(2009-2-01 18:55:44)
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