[학습자료] 금성 고2 영어1 3과 2탄
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자료번호 22976
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제목 금성 고2 영어1 3과 2탄         
[고2]영어(금성)_1학기_기출문제(3과)#239d5kp37_22976.hwp(Size:239.5 KB)


1. 다음 대화의 공란에 가장 적절한 응답은?

W: I'm trying to improve my English listening skills. I really want to get better at it.

M: How do you plan to do that?

W: I'm going to watch the news on the Internet regulary. Some websites broadcast news for learners of English. It's in simple English.

M: ____________________________________


① I'm trying to improve my English listening ability.

② Perhaps I should, too.

③ I don't know that.

④ The only thing I know is that it's tough.

⑤ Great, I bet your English will improve.



[Listen & Speak & Before Read]


다음 중에서 두 사람의 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.
① A: How may I help you?
   B: I was wondering if you had any screws that look like this.
② A: Why are you building so many tables?
   B: We intend to donate them to the nursing home.
③ A: Which of these bikes do you like better, the racer or the mountain bike?
   B: I don't know. What's the difference?
④ A: Why are you studying English so hard?
   B: Oh, I see. I bet you want to travel around the world.
⑤ A: Do you know how to use this exercise machine?
   B: Set the weight here with this pin and pull the bar behind your neck.

다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것은?
 Young people tend to learn languages faster and more accurately than adults. In fact, children who learn a new language before about the age of twelve usually don't have any foreign accent at all. Let's take a look at two possible reasons why children learn languages much better than adults do. One reasons is that the child's brain is not fully developed. There are two sides of the brain, the left side and the right side. In adults, these two parts are separate. The left side is more analytical and more logical, while the right side is concerned about feeling s and things we see and hear. In children, the two sides of the brain are not fully separated. That makes them more flexible in learning languages.

① What types of accents are there in children and adults?
② How does human brain consist?

(2007-4-29 10:41:53)
좋은 문제가 많네요 약 140문제 (본문문제만)

(2007-4-29 21:26:47)
좋은자료 감사합니다^^ 2과와 같이 문제유형이 따로 분리되어 있어 좋아요^^

(2007-5-08 23:38:13)
자료 잘 쓰겠습니다^_^ 본문이외의 문제까지 있네요!

(2008-4-01 00:20:30)
흠..문제가 많아서 ㄷㄷ

그래도 많이 풀수잇게되서 굿..ㅎㅎ

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