[학습자료] 금성 고2 영어1 1과 2탄
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제목 금성 고2 영어1 1과 2탄         
[고2]영어(금성)_1학기_기출문제(1과)#213d0kp34_22974.hwp(Size:213.0 KB)


1. 다음 대화를 읽고, 대화의 상황에 어울리는 표현을 고르시오.

W:Excuse me. Are you Mr. Kess, the owner of this store?

M:Yes, I am. How may I help you?

W:Well, I was wondering if you had any screws that look like this. I'm fixing an old bike and I haven't been able to find a screw like this anywhere else.

M:Well, you've come to the right place. We specialize in rare parts. Let's take a look in the back storeroom.


① moving screws

② making screws

③ searching screws

④ storing screws

⑤ comparing screws




[Listen & Speak & Before Read]

 다음 scrip를 읽고, 추론할 수 없는 내용은?
 Welcome to Hillside Social Services Center. We are a licensed, non-profit agency that provides a wide range of services to residents of the Hillside area. If you wish to speak to a representative, please call again between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
 For information about upcoming special events, press 1. To find out about our employment assistance programs, press 2. For information about assistance to the homeless, press 3. For educational programs and assistance, press 4. To find out how you can volunteer to help low-income children, press 5.

① The Center is closed for the day.
② This is a public announcement for a Social Service Center.
③ The Center isn't open on weekends.
④ If you want to help children from poor families, you have to press No. 5.
⑤ If you need to find out about a new job, you can get a help from pressing No. 2.

 두 사람의 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.
① A: How can I help you?
   B: I was wondering if you had any thread.
② A: Are you Mr. Kess, the owner of this store?
   B: Yes, I am. How may I help you?
③ A: Excuse me, but I think we've met before.
   B: Really? But I remember meeting you?
④ A: Hey, do you want to go swimming?
   B: When, now? But I'm afraid I can't I'm studying right now.
⑤ A: May I speak to Miss Jones?
   B: Hold on please.


(2007-4-29 19:57:04)
감사합니다 , 음 중복된자료없구요 답안있구요 그리고 문제많습니다. 거의한 30페이지정도되요 문법/본문/본문외에다른것들/단어숙어 다양하게다잇어요

(2008-1-17 14:29:36)
자료 넘 좋아요... 강추

(2008-3-23 10:23:41)
중간고사에 도움이되었으면 하네욬ㅋ

(2008-4-01 00:18:40)
짱~좋음 강추~~!!!


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