[학습자료] [고1]영어(능률)[찬]_2007_1_기말_답안지
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제목 [고1]영어(능률)[찬]_2007_1_기말_답안지         
[고1]영어(능률)_1학기_기말문제(답지)#69d5kp15_25063.hwp(Size:69.5 KB)



p.163 : 1. ② 2. ① 3. ④ 4. ④

p.164 : 1- e, 2- h, 3- l, 4- a, 5- f, 6- b, 7- n, 8- t, 9- p, 10- c

11- k, 12- g, 13- j, 14- r, 15- i, 16- m, 17- s, 18- k, 19- o, 20- q

p.166 : 1. (A) capture (B) creative 2. Capture the idea

A3. Because the three b's - bed, bath and bus - help you to relax quietly and daydream.

p.167 : 1. ⑤(learning to catch)

A2. On a trip, Edwin Land, a famous inventor, was asked by his daughter

why she had to wait to see the pictures he had just taken.

After thinking it over, he invented the Polaroid camera.

A3. The new knowledge mixes the old knowledge in amazing ways.

And often a new idea will come out.

p.168 : (Task1) 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F (Task2) 1. O 2. F 3. O 4. O 5. F

(Task3) 1. ② 2. ④ 3. ③ 4. ①

p.169 : (Writing1) ② on the bench, holding a book ③ riding a bike, listening to (the) music

④ walking, reading a newspaper


♔ 정 답 ♔

Lesson 1 : Starting Middle School


p. 2 : 1. ②   2. ③    3. ①    4. ④

p. 3 : 1. ①   2. ⑤

p. 4 : 1. ③   2. ①

p. 5 : 1. 수천의 보람고등학교 졸업생들(thousands of students have graduated from Boram)

       2. ④        3. worried

p. 6 : 1. ②   2. ①   3. ⑤

p. 7 : 1. ②   2. ③   3. ③    4. ability

p. 8 : 1. grades  2. ①     3. main characters   4. ②

p. 9 : 1. T       2. T      3. F       4. F      5. F


p. 10 : 1. ①     2. ①      3. ④

p. 11 : 1. ②     2. ④      3. ④     4. ③

p. 12 : 1. make           2. understand          3. understood 

        4. to analyze      5. to grow

p. 13 : 1. ④     2. worried      3. ①      4. ①       5. successful

p. 14 : 1. ②     2. ①           3. ⑤      4. ②       5. ④         6. ⑤

p. 15 : 1. ③     2. and it    3.

p. 16 : 1. ①     2. ②        3. ②

p. 17 :

   Prewriting: 1. generate and organize ideas       2. collect and gather information

              3. develop outlines

   Drafting: 1. write down your ideas into words 

            2. write in complete sentences and paragraphs

            3. focus on the content and organization of your writing

   Revising: 1. check to see if your writing has unity

             2. add new information or ideas when needed

             3. edit your writing for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and other

                mechanical problems


p. 18 : 1. take your order/ It's very good/ Prefer iced tea

        2. a) A clerk and a customer.   b) She likes jazz.       c) She dislikes rock.

p. 19 : 1. ②       2. ⑤

p. 20 : 1. ①       2. ①

p. 21 : 1. ④  2. 수천의 보람고등학교 졸업생들(thousands of students have graduated from Boram)

p. 22 : 1. ⑤        2. ②       3. ④

p. 23 : 1. ③        2. ability

p. 24 : 1. main characters      2. ②

p. 25 : b → d → c → e → a

Lesson 2 : Let's Make Friends


p. 27 : 1. ③      2. ②      3. ①      4. ④

p. 28 : 1. ②      2. ①

(2007-7-11 22:52:20)
답지 페이지 수만 334 페이지 이네요..
유용히 쓸게요~~

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